Saturday, June 3, 2017

I've let her down...


Tonight Staci had a meetup at the Indians game with some coworkers. She had to take a friend with her because the seating is on the lawn and the lawn doesn't allow camp chairs. I feel embarrassed, I feel heart broken, and I feel as if I let her down. I am constantly plagued with doubts about my health, is the feeling in the balls of my feet from walking, or is it because I have developed Peripheral Artery Disease? These sort of thoughts are always me and I hope that getting healthier can help.

There are going to be bad days

Miles: (Daily) 3.3
           (Total) 9.1 of 500

Green juice: 0 oz (on top of that I ate three hotdogs... :(

Goals are hard, concerts are fun, and decisions were made...


Day two and with the day off from work I didn't get a ton of mileage. Tonight Staci and I went to Sam Hunt and it was fantastic.

It was such a great time but the inclines were rough and the chairs were a little small.  
But that's why I'm doing this. I want to do things, I want to be active, I want to not worry about my heart with the smallest physical activity. 

This day was also the day I decided to start this blog. It will be a true Daily Blog by Sunday. 

Miles: (Daily) 2.8
           (Total) 5.8/500

Juice: 64 oz 

I will walk 500 miles...


I'm going to start off by admitting that this blog is a cheat... But I have my reasons. 

The Cheat is that you won't read this blog until I have achieved my goals. I am a serial planner, a dreamer and goal setter. I am also a consistent failure. This isn't a "Woe is Me" statement nor some sort of cry for help (Well that much should be obvious because you will either read this after my success, or not read it at all) It's a fact, everyone has their failings and follow through is mine. I read an article years ago saying that the key to success can be not talking about your goals. This article in fact.

But now I have a reason to achieve my goals. That reason is right here
(She is going to kill me for using this picture by the way, she claims there are too many flyaways in her hair and that she isn't smiling, but I think it's beautiful. If there was ever a picture that show how beautiful she can be in my eyes, this comes close.)
So I will work. I will try my best to achieve these goals I should have years ago.

I'm going to be honest. It's going to get ugly. Read it or don't share it or don't I'm not your real dad.

Here are my Goals for today to Labor day.

  • Get on a regimen to improve my digestive issues, this include probiotics taken daily and fish oil. 
  • No fast food. 
  • 64 oz of green juice every day. 
  • Learn what "Haver" means 
And the big one...

  • I will walk 500 miles by labor day. 
Day one:
Had Fast food
Drank 64 oz of green juice

Miles: (Daily) 3
           (Total) 3 of 500

Oh, and "Haver" means to babble on incessantly. I guess Blogspot I'm Haverin' to you. There's one objective down already.